3 Common Runner's Injuries that a Pilates Reformer Machine Helps Cure

Pilates Reformer Machine

Runners face many injuries in their thighs, knees and calf region due to various reasons. Here are the 3 most common runner's injuries and how you could prevent or treat them with the help of a pilates reformer machine.

1. Runner’s knee

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is commonly known as Runner’s Knee as this injury is most commonly observed among runners.

Running puts immense stress on the knees. Moreover, running on uneven surfaces and steep hilly terrain coupled with tight hamstrings, weak glutes and quads as well as worn out cartilages can result in this injury.

If you have weak glutes and quads, they may not support the knees that efficiently. As a result, they may become nonaligned or overlap. Tight calf muscles and hamstrings put ample pressure on the knees. And the worn-out cartilages could rescue the shock absorption capacity of the knees.

Pilates solution: Hip Flex Stretch

You can benefit most from doing regular stretching exercises involving your hips and leg muscles on a pilates reformer machine. You could do the quad and glute stretching exercises that include flexor stretches of the hips, hamstring and calf. This strengthening routine could massively improve running technique and prevent any injuries to your knees.

Lookup a pilates reformer for sale from Pilates Reformers Australia online to get you started.

2. ITBS or Iliotibial Band Syndrome

This iliotibial band is one of the major muscles in the thigh region. This muscle stretches along the outer region of the thigh from your hips to your knees. This muscle helps with the stabilization and movement of the knee joints.

If you run inappropriately, the knees may get extended and bend at improper angles, causing burning and irritation in the Iliotibial band muscles. These irritations are called ITBS or Iliotibial Band Syndrome and are mainly caused due to repeated inward movement of the legs while running, which is often observed while running downhill, overuse of footwear or inappropriate footwear.

Pilates solution: Side-Lying Clamshells 

Runners with ITBS are often recommended by sports specialists to start doing pilates to strengthen the glutes. You could use the aero pilates machine from Pilates Reformer Australia to do Side-Lying Clamshells, which are effective in strengthening your glutes.

In most cases, the outer thigh muscles and the glutes muscles are weak resulting in irritation in your band muscles. Doing effective Side-Lying Clamshells for 5 to 10 mins on the pilates machine before you begin running will help prevent the ITBS injury.

3. Achilles Tendonitis

The Achilles tendons are muscles that connect your calf muscles in the leg to the back of your heels. Increasing your speed too rapidly, inappropriate shoes or weak or tight calves put undue pressure on these muscles which can cause the Achilles injury.

In Achilles Tendonitis, the Achilles muscles become stiff and create an outer coating of scar tissues or can even lead to rupture or tear of the Achilles’ muscles. This condition is excruciatingly painful and may require the medical attention of a muscles specialist.

Pilates Solution: Achilles Stretch

Pilates routines when done on the aero pilates machine, can help to greatly improve the strength and mobility of the core muscles, including the Achilles’ muscles. By doing effective stretching of the Achilles and calf muscles on the Pilates Reformers, you strengthen the muscles and improve their mobility and endurance levels. This helps prevent the possibility of an injury while running.

Pilates routines are the most effective warm exercises that you could do to improve the strength and mobility in the core muscles of your body that aid in running. To check out the right pilates reformer for sale, talk to the experts at Pilates Reformer Australia today.


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