Does a Pilates Reformer For Sale Help in Back Pain?

Pilates Reformer Australia

If you’ve got a bad back, we understand your pain. Anything from sitting, twisting to bending down becomes excruciatingly painful. More than eighty-five per cent of people suffer from disc or lower back pain. This, in turn, affects their personal, work lives and their health. For obvious reasons, nobody wants to exercise in this state. But, on the other hand, not exercising causes further health problems. Chronic back pain also significantly impacts your mental and emotional health, leading to painkillers and muscle relaxants.

If you’re interested in exercising again, Pilates is a great way to begin supporting your back and buildings your abdominal muscles. All you need is a Pilates reformer bed, and you can get started with a suitable programme under supervision. In most cases, doctors don’t recommend strenuous exercise, which could aggravate your problem. Examples include weightlifting, traditional aerobics, jogging and more. However, using Pilates equipment strengthens the pelvic and abdominal muscles, along with rebalancing the musculature, restore circulation and build your core strength. Due to all of these reasons, Pilates is a great way to relieve your back pain.

However, you must train under guidance when you’re practising Pilates in order to avoid back pain. Several moves may damage the back, which is why you should find instructors who understand back issues, the possible treatments and aftercare to avoid injury and pain. Before signing up for a Pilates programme, you must understand the underlying problem. For example, when you have osteoporosis and disc issues, you should avoid tightness, tension and forward bending. If you’re unsure of purchasing a Pilates reformer for sale in person due to the ongoing pandemic, you can always buy our reformers online. 

Regardless of your experience with Pilates, our videos feature several Pilates instructors who are global professionals. If you want to switch between instructors, you can always find someone who suits your techniques the best. Check out our database for Pilates reformer beds to combat chronic back pain. Furthermore, we will train you on how to maintain a balanced diet and sleep schedule. Even if you’re new to Pilates, you’ll start enjoying the benefits quite soon.

No matter what your condition, Pilates is the solution to a physically and mentally healthy life. If you’re looking for Pilates equipment, contact us at Pilates Reformers Australia.


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